In December of 1887 I dined with Lord Justice Barrington. Afterwards, we toured the paintings lining the walls of his house. Upon reaching the second floor, I could no longer restrain my curiosity.
“Lord Justice, do you not fear Monsieur Rivard’s final warning before the noose? All of London is talking about the magician’s curse. Certainly now, with the deaths of his executioner and the arresting constable..."
Barrington gave a hearty laugh. “‘Beware the grasping hand?’” he quoted. “Rubbish! Wilmott stumbled into his fireplace whilst drunk. McNair stepped in front of a carriage. Unfortunate, but commonplace accidents.”
“No, my friend, magicians have no occult powers. The evidence showed that Monsieur Rivard intentionally murdered his lovely assistant onstage, and I feel no remorse over sentencing him to hang.”
The matter seemed settled, but as I proceeded along the landing, Barrington gasped. I turned to find him staring towards my feet.
“Do… do you see that?”
I looked down. “See what, m’lord?”
He turned pale and began backing away.
“My god. I recognize those black-painted fingernails. It’s there! It's right there!”
Barrington continued to retreat, keeping his eyes fixed upon the floor where I stood. Then suddenly, he cried out in surprise and tipped back. His arms and right leg thrashed the air momentarily, while his left ankle appeared to be held in place. Before I could reach him, his left leg flew free and he pitched backwards down the staircase, to his death.
Perhaps he merely lost his balance. But I sometimes wonder if, in his panic, Barrington forgot something everyone knows.
Magicians will often use one hand to distract you from the other.
This i'm-gonna-git-you-sucka one hell of a story is written by the Reddit user
IPostAtMidnight under the subreddit www.reddit.com/r/shortscarystories.
A new magician is coming to my town guys.
Think I should go??....
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